Malachite Gin 750ml


Malachite gin is a celebration of the beauty and wonder of the Cape Floral Kingdon – one of only six in the world – the smallest and most diverse.  Using only hand-picked, sustainable floral botanicals – Malachite is an adventure into the subtle, delicious and delicate aromas unique to fynbos. An adventure we share with our brand champion, the Malachite Sunbird – which feeds on, and pollinates, many of the exquisite flowering plants.

Fynbos is not only spectacularly beautiful and refined but has a sense of absolute wonder in its geometries and intricacies.  To walk through fynbos country is to be taken on a sensual journey.  Malachite seeks to immerse you in that journey – to awaken your senses to a timeless world of nature through spirit.

The infused fynbos is in perfect harmony with the classic gin botanicals – subtle juniper mingles with hints of elderflower and chamomile, spring blooms and delicate spice.  A fruity touch of lemon rind lingers.

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Additional information

Weight 13 kg