Dear Client, Customer and Friends
As of today, South Africa now has 116 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with some in the Western Cape.
We want to outline the precautionary measures that we are taking to ensure that our business operations and services continue to run with as little disruption as possible.
We remain committed to the continuity of all our services. By partnering with you, we want to support the health and well-being of everyone throughout this period. It is of vital importance to work together during this time and ensure the safety of our people and the broader community. In support of Government’s decision to invoke a state of disaster, we will also be limiting client meetings to support decreased social contact and gatherings.
We’ve put into place several safety checks across all of our operations to ensure increased safety and awareness for, and amongst, our staff members:
Production Area
• As of 2 March 2020, three Hygiene and Virus Transmission Awareness workshops were conducted, this will continue weekly
• Increased frequency of routine sanitation and hand-washing and at the start and finish of every shift
• Regular reminders by departmental H&S officers during shifts to wash and sanitise hands
• Lunch breaks are staggered, so no more than five people are frequenting our canteen at the same time
• Social distancing is a big priority for us, any employee who shows signs of fever will be asked to remain home and encouraged to get tested for COVID-19
• Routine sanitation and cleaning of all surface, e.g. door handles and critical parts of our facilities are sanitised every 60’, where possible doors are kept ajar, with adequate ventilation in our tasting room
Tasting Room
• All visitors to our tasting area are requested to sanitise their hands
• If possible, we ask customers to use SnapScan for purchase transactions, and card transaction terminals are regularly sanitised
Where possible, work-from-home options will be available to employees.
While this is an unprecedented and unforeseen challenge in a climate of uncertainty, we would like to assure you that we are adopting a business-as-usual approach and we are determined to uphold our core values of excellence and service delivery.
Moving forward, we will continue to follow any government announcements strictly.
Stronger Together
To a healthy CHEERS
Andy Kung
COO Cape Brewing Co